Choose from over fifty videos including mindfulness, mental health information, stress management instructions and webinars to find the best fit for you.

  • Information

    How To Help A Friend Cope

  • Webinars

    Change to Chill 101 - Nov '23

  • Webinars

    Change to Chill for Hennepin County School Staff - Part 2

  • Webinars

    Change to Chill for Hennepin County School Staff - Part 1

  • Information

    How to Help Teens Cope

  • Information

    How to Cope with Challenging Times

  • Webinars

    Let's Talk Wellness Session 4: Let's Learn to Relax

  • Webinars

    Let's Talk Wellness Session 3: Let's Have Self-Compassion

  • Webinars

    Let's Talk Wellness Session 2: Let's Live Resiliently

  • Webinars

    Let's Talk Wellness Session 4: Let's Manage Stress

  • Webinars

    Self-Care for the Soul: What it is & What it is Not

  • Webinars

    Finding Focus: Mindfulness for Extracurricular Activities

  • Webinars

    Change Your Perspective: A Mental Remix

  • Webinars

    Balancing Act: Navigating the New Norm

  • Webinars

    Coping with Change: Change to Chill Community Training

  • Information

    Coping with Change

  • Information

    Coping with Change Tip #1: Still Do You

  • Information

    Coping with Change Tip #2: Focus on Things that Matter

  • Information

    Coping with Change Tip #3: Feel All the Feelings

  • Information

    Change to Chill Stress Test

  • Webinars

    Mindful Eating

  • Webinars

    Staying Connected While Physically Distant

  • Webinars

    The Powerful Practice of Self-Care

  • Webinars

    Gratitude: Focusing on the Positive

  • Information

    Learn More About Change to Chill

  • Information

    School Partnership Testimonial

  • Information

    Internship Testimonial

  • Information

    How to Start a Change to Chill Club

  • Information

    8 Things to Know About Vaping

  • Instruction

    Taking Control of Your Schedule

  • Instruction

    Mindful Movements to De-Stress

  • Instruction

    9 Ways to Manage Your Stress

  • Instruction

    This Is Sooo Seventh Grade - A Short About Mindfulness

  • Information

    Dude, It's A Volcano - A Short About Mindfulness

  • Information

    Of Course Her Profile Is Private - A Short About Mindfulness

  • Information

    What Pizza Wears Gloves? - A Short About Mindfulness

  • Information

    Change to Chill Introduction

  • Information

    Guided Imagery Introduction

  • Information

    Two Arrows Explainer

  • Information

    What is Mindfulness?

  • Instruction

    Change to Chill Meditation

  • Information

    Change to Chill - Chiller Challenge!

  • Mindfulness

    Mental Remix

  • Mindfulness


  • Mindfulness

    Guided Imagery

  • Mindfulness

    Mindful Walking

  • Mindfulness


  • Mindfulness


  • Information

    There is No Such Thing as Just a Cloud

  • Information


  • Information

    Go Next Level

  • Information

    Make Art

  • Information

    Inhale the Future, Exhale the Past

  • Information

    Pump Up the Jam

  • Mindfulness

    Mindful Movement for Any Room: Kitchen

  • Mindfulness

    Mindful Movement for Any Room: Bedroom

  • Mindfulness

    Mindful Movement for Any Room: Study/Den

  • Mindfulness

    Mindful Movement for Any Room: Hallway

  • Instruction

    Front Stretch Right

  • Instruction

    Front Stretch Left

  • Instruction

    Basic Spine Flex

  • Instruction

    Neck Turns

  • Instruction

    Washing Machine

  • Instruction

    Shoulder Rolls

  • Instruction

    Shoulder Shrugs

  • Instruction

    Half-moon Neck Rolls

  • Information

    What is an E-Cigarette?

  • Information

    Vaping is Not Harmless Water Vapor

  • Information

    Do Vapes Contain Nicotine?

  • Information

    Is the Tobacco Industry Targeting Teens?